How to Make Pour Over Coffee
If you love to bring out the nuances of your coffee, or you just like the idea of brewing with low-tech, long-lasting equipment, then pour over coffee might be for you. Some even find the ritual itself relaxing.
Follow our guide and learn how to make pour over coffee at home.
What You'll Need
Pour over coffee maker
Coffee filter
18 ounces cold distilled or filtered water (plus a little more for dampening the filter)
Kettle (a gooseneck works best)
6 tablespoons Folgers® coffee grounds

Step 1
Dampen Filter
Put a filter in your pour over coffee dripper and pour a little hot water in it to dampen and rinse it. Discard the water.

Step 2
Heat Water
Add 18 ounces of water to your kettle and heat to ~200°F.

Step 3
Measure Coffee
For the ideal pour over coffee ratio, add 6 tablespoons of Folgers coffee grounds to the filter.

Step 4
Slowly pour a small amount of water over the grounds (just enough to dampen them) using a circular motion.

Step 5
Wait 30 seconds for the dampened coffee grounds to bloom.

Step 6
Finish Pouring
Slowly pour in the rest of the hot water, again using a circular motion to evenly wet the grounds. Then serve and enjoy.
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